

Leadership Style • Deacons • Ministry Team

Leadership Style

The church in the New Testament is described as the body of Christ and the family of God.  As the body of Christ, Jesus is our only head and He has all authority in the church (Matthew 28:18). Every member is a vital part of His body. As the family of God, the older members are expected to lead by example and mentor those who are younger in the faith, with the understanding that we are all equally subject to Christ. Each member is a valuable part of the family and has an equal standing in the fellowship and work of the church. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:16, "From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."




Scott Hartley - Originally from Michigan, Scott was baptized in 1993. Scott and his wife, Laurie, have worshipped at North Woodlands Area church of Christ since 2006. Married to Laurie since 1985, Scott works for Mac Haik Auto Group as Customer Relations Director and Environmental Health and Safety Director. Scott enjoys automotive repair/restoration, home improvement/renovation and gardening, hiking, fishing, canoeing / kayaking and golf. . Also a gun enthusiast, Scott "loves to shoot". He loves working with the youth group and getting them involved in activities that benefit the Church and its members. Scott's congregational focus is on Facilities.

Ministry Team

Jason Isenberg, Pulpit Minister - Jason has been involved in many areas of ministry over the years.  Jason is a graduate of the Sunset International Bible Institute and serves on our ministry team as a pulpit minister as well as serving in various additional capacities as needed.